When a user authenticates to a computer, they often leave credentials exposed on the system, which can be retrieved through LSASS injection, token manipulation or theft, or injecting into a user’s process.

Any user that is an administrator to the system has the capability to retrieve the credential material from memory if it still exists.

A session does not guarantee credential material is present, only possible.

This video explains how BloodHound CE’s session data collection method works:

Abuse Info

When a user has a session on the computer, you may be able to obtain credentials for the user via credential dumping or token impersonation. You must be able to move laterally to the computer, have administrative access on the computer, and the user must have a non-network logon session on the computer.

Once you have established a Cobalt Strike Beacon, Empire agent, or other implant on the target, you can use mimikatz to dump credentials of the user that has a session on the computer. While running in a high integrity process with SeDebugPrivilege, execute one or more of mimikatz’s credential gathering techniques (e.g.: sekurlsa::wdigest, sekurlsa::logonpasswords, etc.), then parse or investigate the output to find clear-text credentials for other users logged onto the system.

You may also gather credentials when a user types them or copies them to their clipboard! Several keylogging capabilities exist, several agents and toolsets have them built-in. For instance, you may use meterpreter’s “keyscan_start” command to start keylogging a user, then “keyscan_dump” to return the captured keystrokes. Or, you may use PowerSploit’s Invoke-ClipboardMonitor to periodically gather the contents of the user’s clipboard.

Token Impersonation

You may run into a situation where a user is logged onto the system, but you can’t gather that user’s credential. This may be caused by a host-based security product, lsass protection, etc. In those circumstances, you may abuse Windows’ token model in several ways. First, you may inject your agent into that user’s process, which will give you a process token as that user, which you can then use to authenticate to other systems on the network. Or, you may steal a process token from a remote process and start a thread in your agent’s process with that user’s token. For more information about token abuses, see the References section below.

User sessions can be short lived and only represent the sessions that were present at the time of collection. A user may have ended their session by the time you move to the computer to target them. However, users tend to use the same machines, such as the workstations or servers they are assigned to use for their job duties, so it can be valuable to check multiple times if a user session has started.

Opsec Considerations

An EDR product may detect your attempt to inject into lsass and alert a SOC analyst. There are many more opsec considerations to keep in mind when stealing credentials or tokens. For more information, see the References section.


Token Impersonation