
This article outlines how to mute a principal in an attack path finding so it is hidden in the principal table of the finding. It should be used by BHE users whenever a risk has been decided to be accepted or while waiting for a change to leave its retention period.



Mute a principal

  1. Navigate to the Attack Paths page.
  2. Expand the attack path finding and click the menu to the left of the principal’s name (three vertical dots), then click `Mute`.
  1. In the pop-up window `Mute Attack Path`, set the number of days the finding’s principal should be muted and click the button `MUTE`.
    • If muting permanently: set the duration for a long duration.
    • If muting while while waiting for a change to leave it’s retention period: set the duration depending on the retention scenario, for example when muting a principal from `Logons from Tier Zero Users` the duration should be 7 days. See Data reconciliation and retention in BloodHound Enterprise.

Unmute a principal

  1. Navigate to the Attack Paths page.
  2. Expand the attack path finding and toggle the setting `Show Muted`.
  1. In the menu to the left of the muted principal’s name (three vertical dots), click `Unmute`.
  1. In the pop-up window `Unmute Attack Path` click the button `UNMUTE`.


When a principal is muted, it is hidden from the principal table in the attack path until you toggle the setting `Show Muted`. The principal and it’s edges will still visible in the Explore and Posture page.