For general instructions on adding a SAML provider to BloodHound Enterprise, or for configuring users to utilize a SAML provider, see SAML in BloodHound Enterprise.

See SAML Order of Operations and Quick Reference before starting.

Create a Google Application

  1. On the Admin Console for Google Workspaces, use the left navigation bar and go to Apps -> Web and Mobile Apps
  1. Select “Add App” -> Add Custom SAML app
  1. Give the app an appropriate name, such as BloodHound Enterprise.

    Optionally, add an icon and description.

  1. On the next screen, download the metadata file and continue.

  2. Enter the ACS URL and Entity ID as follows:

    ACS URL:

    Entity ID:

    ***IMPORTANT: Replace “TENANT NAME” with your specific bloodhound tenant name.* **

  1. On the next screen, it is required to send the email attribute to BloodHound.

    BloodHound will accept either of the following values as the “App Attributes”:

  1. Follow the instructions at SAML in BloodHound Enterprise to create the SAML provider in BloodHound Enterprise.